I learned a lot of information about China in this course. For example, its political system, economic system, the relations between its regions, and how China developed from past years until now. China has a big history , and I am glad that I know a little bit about that.
I hope this website helps the students, who are interested in China's Geography specially Xinjiang the region that I picked.

I wish all of you have a better year in the next year, and also happy early Christmas. 
Relations between Xinjiang and Taiwan

In recent years, Xinjiang and Taiwan have made a good attempts to enhance their economic exchanges and establish tourism. The two regions have seen an growing number of visitors and investors from each region.
The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has taken local existences into attention and brought out its resource and locality advantage to promote trade and economic activities with Taiwan, resulting in stable personnel exchanges between the two regions and more and more Taiwan businessmen showing keen interest in investing in Xinjiang.

Now days, both sides are analyzing new ways to promote economic and trade activities between hinterland border provinces and regions and Taiwan business people. Xinjiang is gradually prepared itself as the door for opening China to the west because of independent in natural and human resources, having the longest border lines in the country, giving frontiers with the most number of neighboring nations, and having 15 open foreign trade posts.
International trade fair opens in Xinjiang

Xinjiang economy has been playing a very important role in national economic development. Currently, Xinjiang is a superior nation in cotton, watermelon, beet sugar, and hop production. And also the top rice-exporting region between the five northwestern provinces and regions.
Xinjiang and Hong Kong relationships

Between 1980–2004, manufactured goods have appointed for the big ratio instead of primary goods in Xinjiang’s export. From 1963 to 1980, Xinjiang's import and export markets were mainly Japan and Hong Kong. 
As an important source of assets for Xinjiang, Hong Kong had commited up to US$130 million of actual investment - making up 54 per cent of all outside funding running into the northwestern region. Hong Kong's accrued investment in Xinjiang has developed to 400 items, covering textiles, light businesses, food, petrochemicals, tourism, transport and other businesses. 

Hong Kong Vs. Xinjiang

In Hong Kong, the ethnic area between socio-economic elites who control the government and the rest of the population is small. Any developmental programs are accepted by the Hong Kong government, some social groups would face impassable ethnic barriers to accept themselves to the new economic opportunities. 
On the opposite, in Xinjiang, the real political power rests with the Han Chinese, but they are only an ethnic minority in the province. The Uighurs, the largest ethnic group in Xinjiang, have often been sidelined from the local government‘s policymaking process.
Macau (Macao)
Relationships between Xinjiang and Macau

Based on the great authority set in the past, the Macau and Xinjiang governments would raise their co-operation in trade, culture, education, and tourism. Over the past 11 years, Macau and Xinjiang had made a well co-operative relationship using education and culture as the starting points. Macau would act as a trading platform, appeal to funds from all over the world to lend in the developing market of Xinjiang. For co-operation between Xinjiang and European countries, Macao can make use of its links with the European Union to more benefit exchanges.
Highway in Xinjiang

Xinjiang had many crudely constructed highways in 1949 with a whole length of 3,361 km, but by 2001, the region’s highways had been extended to 80,900 km, including 428 km of highway, 230 km of Grade 1 highways and 5,558 km of Grade 2 highways. The highway constant over the Taklimakan Desert is a long-distance graded highway, the first one in the world constructed on shifting sands. Now, a network of highway covers the full district,  with Urumqi as the center and seven national highways as the spine associating the region with Gansu and Qinghai provinces to the east, the bordering countries in Central and West Asia to the west and Tibet to the south. The network is also associated with the region’s 68 provincial highways. Now buses run to all cities, prefectures, counties and townships in the region.
The "Sai-Guo" highway at construction site in Xinjiang

High speed train in Xinjiang

Xinjiang will come in into the era of high-speed rail over the next five years of the 12th Five-Year Plan cource. The Lanzhou-Xinjiang high-speed railway, that has been under construction since November 2009, will compress the traveling time between Beijing and Urumiqi, capital of Xinjiang, from 40 hours to 12 hours. Other local governments in the same area as Xinjiang are following the suit. The western part of China is grasping the biggest boom in railway construction.

According to the railway-technology, this train is the first long-distance high-speed line in West China connecting Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu Province, with Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region in north-west China.
The new high-speed line was planned along the direction to connect Xinjiang with the rest of China's high-speed rail network.